Law Council of Australia


Call to Parties 2019

All Australians deserve access to justice and equality before the law.

That is why, since 1933, the Law Council of Australia has proudly represented our nation’s legal community, speaking on its behalf on issues of national importance.

Today, the Law Council comprises 16 state and territory law societies and bar associations and Law Firms Australia, promoting the administration of justice, access to justice, a strong legal profession and improvement of the law.

As we approach the 2019 federal election, our Call to Parties provides a roadmap of the key areas that we believe there is a need to improve law and policy for the betterment of the Australian community, our democracy and the legal profession.

Our key policy positions fall under the following themes:

Responses from parties and independent candidates

The Law Council has received responses from the below parties and independent candidates.

Last Updated on 18/01/2022


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